Thursday, June 15, 2006

Just today...

Matti called he is at the airport in DesMoines his flight leaves in about 30 min to Chicago...then to Atlanta GA... then he takes a bus for a couple of hours to boot camp...he said he went to sleep yesterday when we dropped him off after dinner and got up this morning for 4:30 am breakfast...he is excited and ready for his new adventure...he gets to call when he gets to boot camp...I'm exhausted and not doing much today...Jeff worked on the garden and the dogs helped teehee...elli seems to think carrot plants are for sleeping on...Alex really believes onions make the nicest bed and Halo she got so excited daddy is rolling around on the grown she broke a tomato plant off...OH MY


Linda Fleming said...

Well, how does the empty nest feel? You and Jeff and entering a real fun time- childless and lots of time to do all the thing you put off while raising your kids. Enjoy!
Linda F from FL

Judi W. said...

I agree with Linda - it's really different with no kids in the house.