Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Almost finished...OH MY

Well I need to do tops of their heads closed...paint legs/shoes and put little white sleeves on the upper arms...I laughed so hard as mom said they looked really big...I looked on the package the pillows came wonder they are queen size pillows...OH MY

also Bernie (Plushie by Judi W) thought I should send a pic with him and his new buddies...


Judi W. said...

OMG ... don't let them eat Bernie ...

Yvette said...

These are so cute and big!! Isn't Bernie scared!
Your grands are going to just love them!

Bear said...

Ohhhhh Sherry
they kinda make Bernie look tiny dont they?? But I dont think they will scare the girls- Caitlin got a huge bear for her 1st Xmas and she was all over him so I think being who he is they are gunna love him - oh U is a good GMA girlfriend
and Bob is just like the bob I have seen only- BIGGGERRRR and more beautiful
loves him Bear xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo

Shashi Nayagam said...

They look like twins and how adorable with the wee Bernie inbetween

Jacque Uetz said...

OMG!! these are too wonderful!I am sitting here LOL thinking about Bernie being eaten by SB..I can't wait for the girls to open these..I want one roflol!!!
Sherry wants me to make Patrick LOL

MaryO said...

Well, they ARE big, aren't they? LOL!!! The girls will have a great time with them anyway and I think they're pretty cute even though I never understood Sponge Bob..sigh..

Anonymous said...

These are excellent. They are really going to love them!

Anonymous said...

lolol Sherry! Your INNERCHILD has come out. lol They are just too cute and I can tell by their expressions YOU have had fun! The kids will adore them .
Great job SB gma lolol
love ya

dingy said...

These are just way to cute,

Grasshoppa's Art Adventures said...

Oh Sherry these are coming out so cute! I laugh just looking at them and like Mary I dont understand SB either but love what you have created here.