WEll Trixie is finished...she is the body and costuming for my trapunto class on http://www.dollstreetdreamers.com what fun...she is illision of costuming...wired skirt....faux painted shoes...trapunto and watercolor vest and fun fun hat...
Noel Wolfman of http://www.clothdollpatterns.com wanted to play so I sent her the basic info I had shared with FDA and look what she did...she is "THE QUEEN OF SCRUNCHIES" yepper that's what the trim is...
Here is the head that is from the class for Trapunto... http://www.dollstreetdreamers.com the first class is the Trapunto only... 2nd class is the coloring and making the head... you can buy the basic pattern for the doll body for 5.00 or take the costuming class which will include the body pattern
My brother just took a picture of a gourd piece I made him last Christmas as he wants me to make something to go with it...I was so pleased at how well it photographed...wish he lived closer to take pics of the dolls teehee...
WEllllllll I got to paint the window trim...the windows and around the top of fireplace and the one new door...of course they all need a 2nd coat but what fun...